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What to Expect:



Initial Session

The first session is a comprehensive assessment and typically lasts 60 minutes. This includes a clinical interview where medical, psychological, social, vocational, and educational history is discussed and your presenting concerns. In addition, any of your questions and concerns are addressed.

Following the initial session, you and your psychologist will discuss and agree upon treatment goals.


Follow-up sessions

How many sessions you attend per week and how long treatment will last depends on the goals you and your psychologist set and the progress you are making throughout treatment. Treatment goals and progress will be discussed regularly to monitor your treatment’s effectiveness and success. Follow-up sessions are typically 30-60 minutes, depending on what you and your provider agree on. 


During treatment you may be assigned “homework.” These are goals for you to work on between your appointments in order for you to practice skills and work toward goals in your everyday life. While the time you spend with your psychologist in a treatment session is important, it is also important for you to gain the skills and confidence you can use outside of the treatment room, allowing you to eventually “take the reigns.” Remember, the goal of therapy is to eventually not need it anymore!


Booster Sessions

Following the completion of treatment, you may periodically require or want a “booster session” to review previously learned skills or work through a short-term issue, requiring only a few sessions. These sessions can be very helpful in long-term maintenance of your well-being.

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